Fixed or Flexible ?

Fixed or Flexible ? The Language of Change.

There are those who wish to imprison language in an imaginary cage of time, and those who haven’t even noticed that there is a cage. The ebb and flow of grammar, punctuation and spelling must be as old as writing itself. The first written communication, be it a record of a judgement, or an expression of an emotion, must have been a nightmare for those who only believed in the spoken word. Just as the printing press revolutionised the sharing of knowledge, the first writing gave power to those without the training of memory. This expansion of communication gives a multitude of people the right, and the ability, to have their say heard by people outside of their immediate community.

The philosophers and idealists like to remind us of our individuality. Like to encourage us to celebrate our unique qualities as independent human beings. It’s surely no wonder then that language evolves as it is used. Common parlance, collectively created, or institutionally imposed, does appear to slow the process down, but changes are inevitable. From simple copying errors to imaginative interpretation, language reflects the society that is using it. A written error encapsulates that moment in a way that the spoken word cannot. The spoken word, like music, is ephemeral. The resulting memories are as many and varied as the minds that hear them.

The written word originally gave great promise to all by the sharing of information. Slowly but surely, this promise has been, and still is, converted by a culture that wishes to deny information. Deliberate misinformation, blatant omission, frequent restrictions on public written debate. These are all tactics used to interfere with our sense of independence.

In a small but not insignificant way, language needs to be flexible to allow individual expression. Hardly a pebble on the rushing river bed of conformity, but an obstruction, nevertheless. “I am a name, not a number”, states the apocryphal quote. Says it all, really.

Why we write

Why are we compelled to communicate our experiences, thoughts, and beliefs either in writing or orally, in speech? Both writing and oral speech are, in a simple sense, ways of managing and communicating knowledge to a listener or reader.  For scholars, such as Walter Ong, oral communication is primary, precisely because it is more immediate; written communication fixes meaning and is, therefore, always secondary to the spoken word. This debate demands a recognition of our own biases and preferences. How do you prefer to communicate?

Maybe more importantly, why do you want to communicate with a listener or reader? Do you have a story, a life experience in you that is calling out to be expressed? Are you compelled to reflect on the human condition? Do you love the sound of words, the way they fall, tumble, or trip off your tongue? Are you compelled to put these words into verse or song?

Here is one of my favourite quotes, which speaks to why I write:

“What do we understand to be the boundaries of our neighbour: I mean that which he as it were engraves and impresses himself into and upon us? We understand nothing of him except the change in us of which he is cause — our knowledge of him is like the hollow space which has been shaped” (Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak 118).

From this, then, you might realize that I  write (rather than speak) not simply to understand the human condition, but to understand the boundaries and limits of our shared relationship, one with the other. More specifically, I write to understand and give meaning to the “hollow space” inside myself and others.

How do you like to communicate? Why do you feel the need to write or present your words, ideas, and stories to the world? Share your thoughts here…..

Fact or Fancy


Facts or Fancy
“NOW, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them.” –Charles Dickens, Hard Times.

When Charles Dickens wrote this quote in 1853, he was reflecting and critiquing the industrial revolution and its soul-less privileging of utility and science. This quote, however, speaks to our own time and our own privileging of science, facts and logic. What do you think? Is it true that facts are the only form of valid knowledge?

In the novel, Dicken’s character, Mr. Gradgrind, expounds the importance of facts. At one point, he approaches Sissy, “Girl number twenty,” and asks her to define a horse. Gradgrind rebukes Sissy for her inability to do this. However, Bitzer, Sissy’s classmate, manages to provide a scientific definition: “Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely twenty-four grinders, four eye-teeth, and twelve incisive. Sheds coat in the spring; in marshy countries, sheds hoofs, too. Hoofs hard, but requiring to be shod with iron. Age known by marks in mouth.”

While Gradgrind seems happy with this definition, Dickens use of dramatic irony illustrates to the reader that facts, in and of themselves, are not enough. In other words, facts, which may or may not speak to a utilitarian or scientific perspective, oftentimes do not provide an image that the reader can relate to. In Bitzer’s scientific definition of the horse, the facts do not allow the reader to see a complete picture of the horse. While Grandgrind believes that pure fancy and fiction amount to nothing more than “destructive nonsense,” a definition or description that allows the reader to see, feel, and understand the horse is one that the reader can relate to.

Good writing, then, is not so much concerned with facts, as accurate as they may be, as it is with fancy and fiction. In short, the good writer remembers that he or she is not only a “reasoning animal,” but also, and maybe more importantly, a complex feeling, relational and creative being.  Put simply, the good writer shows rather than tells.  Knowing that facts are only a small part of the picture, the writer uses detailed description, examples, metaphor, point-of-view, strong, active verbs, and detail to encourage the reader to see the horse as he or she imagines. In this way, the reader is able to feel and know, instead of being told, that facts are only a small part and by no means the main part of a story.

Consider this description, taken from Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse:

“I bolted, half charging, half jumping the rails so that I caught my off foreleg as I tried to clamber over and was stranded there. I was grabbed roughly by the mane and tail and felt a rope tighten around my neck before I was thrown to the ground and held there with a man sitting it seemed on every part of me. I struggled until I was weak, kicking out violently every time I felt them relax, but they were too many and too strong for me.”

In this description, the reader understands the facts related to the situation, but Morpurgo’s decision to tell the story from the horse’s point-of-view allows the reader to  feel the horse’s fear and panic. The reader can empathize with the horse’s oppression and relate, even in a distant way, to the violence the animal is subjected to. Morpurgo does this by setting a scene and using strong verbs and adverbs, such as clamber, stranded, grabbed roughly, tighten, thrown, struggled etc.

In some ways, we might be able to recognize that Grandgrind is as oppressed by his relentless desire for facts as the horse is oppressed here by the men who want to control him.



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